Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where the love for air guns started.

I am not exactly sure where that first desire to get a bb gun came from.  Friends I grew up with had bb guns.  One friend lived on a dairy out in the country.  There were all sorts of guns there.  Most of them were the loud kind.  But the Red Ryder style bb gun also shined.  We would go out and shoot spiders in the hay barn.  You know, the giant yellow and black ones.  Man were those things big.  If you disturbed them they would violently shake the web.  He once told me that if you smile and they see your teeth, they will put your initials in the web, then you will die!  From then on we referred to them as "initial spiders" Shooting stuff at the pond was also fun.  We thought that gun was super powerful.  For very young kids it was.  And guess what. We never shot our eyes out.

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